Discover Wellbeing Painting Workshops With Malvern Artist Alison Simons

Activities | Health and Wellbeing | The Arts

Abstract art with white. blue and gold colours

Find a sense of peace and wellbeing through art by taking a workshop in the acrylic pouring technique with Malvern based artist Alison Simons, or experience her artwork at one of her exhibitions.

Escapism and mental wellbeing are at the core of the artwork produced by Malvern artist Alison Simons, who goes by her business name of DragonRune Crafts. Alison, a neurophysiologist with extensive experience in the NHS, finds fulfilment in her work, yet the intensity prompts her to seek tranquillity through her art.

Alison believes it is important to allow time to find release from the busy routines and worries of modern life. She appreciates art as a powerful tool for mindfulness and mental wellbeing, and aims to share the escapism her art offers, to stimulate imagination and stir emotion, and to draw her audience into a world of colour and vibrancy.

Alison’s paintings usually portray fantasy or nature themes or explore abstract expression of light and form. Alison developed a love of both fantasy and nature during childhood, which was spent either in the great outdoors, or buried in a good book. Alison loves the freedom of expression and imagination fantasy offers, and as nature is a source of solace for her, it is only natural to manifest her place of peace onto canvas.

Alison has experience in many artforms but when she discovered fluid acrylics it felt like coming home. Her scientific background supports the technical nature of fluid art, which consists of using various methods to pour and layer acrylic paints onto the canvas, using gravity, air pressure, swiping, spinning, and dragging to manipulate the paint into the desired composition. The various techniques require precise consistencies of paint, accurate recipes, and an understanding of the interactions of paints and pigments with each other and other ingredients.

Alison often paints intuitively, letting the painting evolve as an expression of her imagination or an appreciation of the world around her. Abstract often meets realism in Alison’s work as she embellishes many of her paintings, combining the liberation of the paint pour with the precision and meticulous details of traditional brushwork, or the added lustre of gold leaf.

You can find Alison exhibiting at many shows throughout the year, details of which can be found on her social media pages and website. She also runs fluid acrylic workshops at her studio and gallery in Great Malvern which is open by appointment, and she is currently open to commissions.

email [email protected]

Tel: 07717848362

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