Florence Nightingale Walk (morning walk)

Photo of Florence Nightingale and text "Florence Nightingale and the Malvern Water Cure"
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Event Description

Join local historian Cora Weaver, an expert on the Malvern Water Cure, for a guided walk around Great Malvern.

Visitors will learn about the iconic Lady with the Lamp, particularly how she avoided hospitals. They will discover more about the illness that kept Florence bedridden for most of her life, her treatment in Great Malvern, her doctors and family, as well as what the town would have been like at the time.

The walk is approximately two miles of easy walking, with a bit of uphill and downhill.

Please note, no dogs are allowed, except for guide dogs.

Please book your tickets at Malvern Tourist Information Centre either in person or by phone: 01684 892289.

The walk will start from outside the Unicorn Inn on Belle Vue Terrace, Great Malvern.

The walk will run again later in the day at 7pm.

Saturday 30 April 2022


The Unicorn Inn



The Unicorn Inn

2 Belle Vue Terrace


WR14 4PZ

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