The Enigma of Elgar’s Songs

Musicians playing cellos
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Free event (normal admission applies for those who are not members of the National Trust).

Elgar wrote a considerable number of songs throughout his career. His first ever completed composition was a ballad called ‘The Language of Flowers’ which he wrote for his sister’s birthday when he was still a teenager, and at the very end of his life he was working on two songs to poems by John Drinkwater, which sadly he never completed.

The songs contain many mysteries about Elgar his life and his moods.

This concert presents a series of some of his best songs with the aim of introducing Elgar the Songwriter to a wider audience.

Matthew Clark, an extremely fine Baritone, will showcase songs drawn from successive periods of Elgar’s career, and resident Elgar expert Richard Westwood-Brookes will provide a lively and entertaining commentary introducing each song in its context and illustrating how each reflected Elgar’s mood and circumstances at the time he wrote them.

With only 66 tickets available in each performance, it’s recommended to book your seat to avoid disappointment on the day. Event funded by the Elgar Society.

Performances will take place at 12pm and 2pm on Sunday 29 October 2023.

Sunday 29 October 2023


The Firs


The Firs

Elgar's Birthplace Museum

Crown East Lane, Lower Broadheath


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