New Museum Celebrating Malvern’s Technology History to Open

Activities | Family Fun | Heritage | Tours

Two people read a leaflet and smile in front of a museum display

In 1942 two top secret government radar research establishments were evacuated in haste to Malvern. Their amazing work was transformative to the war effort, to Malvern and subsequently modern electronic technology worldwide.

That incredible story is about to be told at The Technology Station, a new STEM technology museum at Great Malvern railway station. Learn about the boffins and their impact on World War 2 and the Cold War. You will be surprised at how many of their inventions that we all enjoy today. By linking stories of wartime research to modern day technology it is hoped it will inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.

The displays utilise wall mounted display boards as the primary means of conveying information to visitors. These are supplemented by related artefacts and stimulating interactive displays, to showcase Malvern’s substantial international science and technology legacy that includes;

  • Radar,
  • Integrated circuits,
  • Electronic computers,
  • Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs),
  • The touch screen,
  • X-Ray detectors,
  • PIR detectors,
  • Thermal imagers,
  • Gas lasers,
  • LIDARS, (Light Detection And Ranging)
  • Solid state microwave devices,
  • Radio astronomy.

It will also show how the presence of the Telecommunications Research Establishment  and its successors made a major contribution to the culture, environment and development of Malvern.

The exhibition was the initiative of Victoria Carman who is the Visitor Economy Manager at Malvern Hills District Council. It has been organised by The Malvern Radar and Technology History Society and is sponsored by West Midlands Railway, The Worcestershire Community Rail Partnership and Malvern Town Council

The Museum opens to the public on Wednesday 22 May.

Opening Hours are;
Wednesday     2pm until 6pm
Saturday         10am until 2pm

Entry is free (although donation will be gratefully accepted)

For more information on The Technology Station please visit their website linked below or search Facebook  for ‘The Technology Station’

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