Event Description
In Tudor England, Katherine Parr, the sixth and last wife of King Henry VIII, is named Regent while tyrant Henry is fighting overseas. When the King returns, increasingly ill and paranoid, Katherine finds herself fighting for her own survival. Conspiracy spreads through the palace with everyone holding their breath waiting for the queen to slip up and for Henry to take her head like wives before. With the hope for a future free of tyranny at risk, will Katherine submit to the inevitable for the sake of King and country?
Cert: 15
Evenings: £9/£10 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees: £8/£9 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply
Show Times:
Friday 6 September at 7:45pm
Saturday 7 September at 4:30pm
Sunday 8 September at 6:30pm
Monday 9 September at 4pm
Tuesday 10 September at 11am and 4:30pm
Wednesday 11 September at 7:45pm
Thursday 12 September at 1:45pm and 7:45pm