Event Description
Based on Alexandre Dumas’s epic novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Set in 1815, Edmond Dantes finds himself imprisoned within the formidable fortress of the Chateau d’If for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years of incarceration he eventually engineers his escape, embarking on a meticulously crafted quest for vengeance.
Assuming multiple identities – the Count of Monte Cristo among them – Dantes begins by courting his enemies, now highly placed dignitaries, the better to strike them down. But the price of revenge is heavy for one’s soul..
Cert: 12A
Language: French with English Subtitles
Evenings: £9/£10 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees: £8/£9 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply
Show Times:
Saturday 21 September at 3pm
Sunday 22 September at 6:30pm